Friday, January 15, 2010

on the topic of running

Running. let's see. Here's me in high school doing the two things I loved the most
(Soccer) & this (Cross Country)
Exercise in general has always been an incredible, necessary force in my life. It has always been my escape, my ultimate adrenaline rush, and, at a time, even the source of my sickness. We've had quite the love/hate relationship, BUT, i do believe it is an essential and fantastic method of relaxation. Weird way to put it, I know...but I have always had the dream of running, running far, running to win, again. It is something I can always do (Lord willing). I do not need a team to run (unlike my beloved soccer). I just need to keep my body healthy and that is just what I intend to do.
1) Sleep more
2) Eat more balanced, body-minded meals
3) A well rounded work out routine (maybe this or this perhaps? or BOTH)
Anyhow, I am at a time and place in my life where I can do this. I can! I can make a plan or set a goal and STICK TO IT.
Meaning I have a few which I will divulge as I actually schedule my plans of attack. :)
Stay tuned!

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